FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015
FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015

2015    Promotional Flyers

Promotional Flyers was realized in October 2015 as part of the exhibition Arte, Propoganda Libertario in Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, an historically working class, immigrant neighborhood in the city's south. In this neighborhood the gutters and cars are littered with small flyers publicizing prostitution in the area. They advertise 'new, young, discreet' and mostly 'foreign girls' at very cheap rates and always include a pornographic image. As an act of detournement in reaction to the proliferation of these flyers and in conjunction with the current situation of prostitution in Spain 3000 subversive flyers, similarly formatted, were placed throughout the streets on the windows of parked cars. Closely replicating the originals these flyers presented facts about sex trafficking in Spain and photos of dough, arranged and dressed to imitate the original images, were used. The flyers, which generally stay in the streets for weeks on end, were on this occasion removed within a day or two presumably by the businesses contracted to distribute them.

FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015 FLYERS, 2015